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Stiefel Sterile Disposable Biopsy Punch 5mm x10

Category Biopsy Punch

Stiefel Sterile Disposable Biopsy Punch 5mm x10

In Stock
Category Biopsy Punch


These sterile disposable biopsy punches are widely used in dermatology and minor surgery clinics to obtain histological samples for the accurate diagnosis of skin conditions and excising of small lesions. The consistent sharpness of these disposable biopsy punches enables routine procedures to be carried out quickly and effectively.

Disposable Biopsy Puches are available in a range of diameters from 2mm to 8mm and are supplied in packs of 10


• Single-use
• Sterile
• Presented in practical pouches

Stiefel Sterile Disposable Biopsy Punch 5mm x10

Category Biopsy Punch

Stiefel Sterile Disposable Biopsy Punch 5mm x10

In Stock
Category Biopsy Punch


These sterile disposable biopsy punches are widely used in dermatology and minor surgery clinics to obtain histological samples for the accurate diagnosis of skin conditions and excising of small lesions. The consistent sharpness of these disposable biopsy punches enables routine procedures to be carried out quickly and effectively.

Disposable Biopsy Puches are available in a range of diameters from 2mm to 8mm and are supplied in packs of 10


• Single-use
• Sterile
• Presented in practical pouches