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GlucoRx Nexus Strips x50


GlucoRx Nexus Strips x50

In Stock


GlucoRx Nexus Strips - pack of 50

Easy to use test strips for monitoring blood glucose levels with the GlucoRx Meter.

Helping to mange diabetes effectively, with only a tiny blood sample being required for accurate results .

• Uses advanced GDH-FAD enzyme technology
• Use with Nexus range of meters (Nexus, mini ultra/mini, voice, go)
• Supplied as a pack of 50 in a compact, safe bottle for storage

GlucoRx Nexus Strips x50


GlucoRx Nexus Strips x50

In Stock


GlucoRx Nexus Strips - pack of 50

Easy to use test strips for monitoring blood glucose levels with the GlucoRx Meter.

Helping to mange diabetes effectively, with only a tiny blood sample being required for accurate results .

• Uses advanced GDH-FAD enzyme technology
• Use with Nexus range of meters (Nexus, mini ultra/mini, voice, go)
• Supplied as a pack of 50 in a compact, safe bottle for storage